It's late, I should be sleeping and will be soon. I've been on a kick thinking about infinite time. How long is a day in eternity. A coworker is a stickler on the literal interpretation of the Bible, right down to six 24 hour days of creation. I haven't asked him yet but I have to wonder how do you measure a day in eternity? Even if the original texts use the literal term for "day" doesn't that exemplify more how limited our language is when trying to describe something? Language is incomplete on it's own. If the Bible were perfect in a literal sense would there really need to be the volumes of books and studies that try to explain it and make it clearer? The Bible is perfectly true, it is literally and historically true. Yet because our language is imperfect, as descriptive as it is, we need to study, use guides, look for understanding on spiritual and historical levels. None of this takes anything away from the Truth of the Word. Nor does this mean that the Word is false or inaccurate. Our language alone simply cannot convey everything, even in the original texts. And then the parables. OY! There are things we just will not understand, they are left to Faith. That's a good thing. Too often these bumps in the road cause rifts that the enemy himself could not have envisioned, but it will use them to separate the body.
Or I could be wrong.
Peace, Love, understanding.
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