Connecting with my past has proven to healthy overall. I left my hometown (we lived outside of town about 8 miles on a small family farm) after high school and never wanted to go back. And I didn't for years other than holidays or when I needed some place to stay when semesters were out. After so many years, I live back in the old farmhouse and find that with it's quirks and problems, it's not all that bad. Community is what you make of and give to it.
Somehow I managed without a car until I was 25. I know now the inconvenience this caused a large number of people, friends and family both. None of them came right out and said it and I was too blind to see just how my supposed independence was forcing others to take care of me. If I needed to get groceries I would ask if anyone was going into town and if I could ride along. I'm not even certain if I offered gas money or at least to pay for their dinner for the trouble. Finally, a co-worker in this 'communal' outdoorsy setting that I worked in at the time had the courage to suggest that I should just get a car. That there was no reason for me to not have one since I had a steady income and after all, I was in my mid-20's and living in a very rural area. I needed transportation to get most anywhere. Much to one of my uncle's dismay, I went against his advice to purchase a used vehicle and bought a brand new car. To make matters worse I had done the research and decided upon a car that hadn't been on the market for very long. That stupid Festiva lasted 9 years and nearly 200K before I had to admit that the streets of Detroit had ruined the body and framework beyond repair and it was getting dangerous to drive it. It got 50 miles to the gallon on the expressway and the engine was running just as well as if it were new. It turned out to be a very good thing.
I guess the point is that sometimes it's important to make suggestions to people. Honestly, I had no idea how my concept of 'independence' was effecting others until that moment. To this day I remain slow and clueless in these matters. I am trying to get better about it. Another reason for having taken so long was because of the environmental impact transportation of any sort has on the environment around us. I believe the earth does call for protection and good stewardship. And that this is expected of us from our Creator. There are problems with extremes of any sort, but I fail to understand how caring for the environment is contrary to biblical teaching as so many people seem to feel.
As well as caring for others, community, all living things. The Lord God did make them all. Even the unlovely.
Work in us, be in us, watch over us, and thank you God Almighty.
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