It's been a very spring-like day today for which I am grateful. The winter has been cold, cruel, and more work than I can remember winter ever having been. It could be I'm just getting old. I'll cut myself some slack and say 'older' instead. After all I am relatively young, well, middle aged. Old enough to feel the effects of aging yet young enough to know if I put a lot of hard work into it I may still be able to run that marathon some day.
Work has been difficult. This winter has been grueling. Today is the kind of day I wish for all winter long. The sun is out it's nearly 50. I can wear a jacket instead of my heavy coat. The snow is nearly gone and I can walk the dogs without wearing boots. They have been walked twice today. It's good for them and good for me. I carry a large walking stick to ward off the suspected cougar that may be in the area. There have been 'sightings' mixed with the DNR neither confirming nor denying the suspicion. That means it's out there somewhere and I'm not the only creature around that has felt this winterhas been very long and demanding. The dogs of course run around oblivious to the potential danger. They are just happy to be outside running around in the field without leashes or the confines of heavy snow. Instead of a mountain lion (look them up, they get huge and you would NOT want to have to confront one. They are more than just a 'wild cat') we see the same six deer we saw the day before. If the deer aren't worried, I'm not worried as I suspect the deer would be the first things it would go after.
The dogs are currently fascinated with deer poop. I don't get it and never will. I turn to see where they are and their heads are bobbing up and down frantically lapping up pellet after pellet. I'm sure this can't be good for them. I call, they come. They feast like someone has spilled a bag of Sugar Babies on the ground. All over. It would have had to be a really large group of kids who all like Sugar Babies. And as with Sugar Babies there are times when the limit is surpassed and a sick stomach ensues. I'm not sure which I'd rather clean up but I can tell you that I'm glad we have wood and linoleum floors and no carpet.
The second time I went out with the dogs I decided it felt good to add a little running. That quickly turned into a jog. Which then turned into a fairly decent walking pace. I'm glad I had my walking stick. I do miss the days when I would run 13 miles. Half a marathon. I really am starting to think that I could get back to that again. I'd like to actually. Maybe it's just the promise of spring but I'm hoping to have the strength to push myself to continue on with this type of exercise. I like it and miss it.
So today has been all about taking time away from the things that stress me out. It seemed necessary and I feel much better for it. Refreshed really. When I returned from the run/jog/quickly paced walk a nice dark beer sounded good for the effort. It was. Bell's Best Brown Ale. Neither of the dogs seem to be sick after their faux Sugar Babies indulgence either. I really have to look online to see what potential illnesses could arise from eating deer poop. I'm sure there's something.
prayer: I'm grateful for the times I'm able to spend refreshing and enjoying what is all around me. Somewhat selfishly perhaps but appreciative of the opportunity none the less and the chance to show appreciation of what's been created.