Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ten days is too long to wait to post. I've tried many times between but was simply too tired at the time or too frazzled. It's a very busy time of the year.

The kids at work are getting way more sugar than what anyone needs (if anyone 'needs' sugar). The tree in the house falls over at will and unexpectedly. It seems impossible to keep it standing and having a supervisor that is hyper vigilant in appearances makes this much more of a challenge. He'll come in and see the lights and tinsel in disarray, the star not on top of the tree, the other decorations either missing (broken) or hapharzardly placed. Cards need to be filled out and sent. Cookies baked (the one thing I truly enjoy doing). A few gifts still need to be purchased. Thankfully it's only for my sister, brother that I live with, and mother. I so dislike shopping and take no time to make anything apart from the cookies.

And sadly no mention yet of our Savior, our Creator, our Hope. Keeping busy with the things above is not a bad thing, but man, I have to watch what I'm doing and put it all aside if it begins to replace the very reason we celebrate this time of year.

The lack of focus on the Savior is often the elephant in the room that everyone passes and says nothing ab out. At work the focus is completely on the asthetics of Christmas and the presents. Very little, if any time is devoted to Christ. And it shows in how the kids act, how the staff drags themselves through the motions and hates this time of year at work. It becomes what you make of it.

I was listening to Sufjen Stevens Vol. 4 Christmas songs the other night for the first time. "Come Thou Fount" came on and I had a similar experience to when I was driving in the car and Third Day really struck a chord. I nearly said 'nerve' but this was something resonant, something so moving it was a beautiful thing to experience, literally music. Metaphorically music. Spiritually music. I was reminded of the things I allow and don't repent of. This was a moment to repent. I was reminded of how I deserve nothing and am blessed to have anything. This was a moment of thanksgiving. I was reminded how I should be a vessel even though I am not the example I should be. This was a moment of acceptance. This was a moment of Redemption. A moment to be treasured because these moments are not the norm, nor are they to be the moments to live for like waiting for a fix. These moments are Blessings, Gifts. We are to be grateful for any such moments.


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