Saturday, December 19, 2009

Walking the dogs this morning was quite nice. It was warmer weather, quiet, sunny out. The dogs were enjoying themselves. The cats continued to chase each other near the house as my brother, two dogs and I walked across the road where the snow has been packed by snowmobiles and trucks. Chickadees chirruped all around, the dogs were suspicious of any snap or rustle off the beaten path. They remained very aware from beginning to end.
I'm grateful that I've had these opportunities to walk the dogs and with my brother. One never knows when there all of a sudden may not be that chance and it's best to make the most of it right now and appreciate it for what it is and more. It's often a time to reflect, throw out concerns and ideas, catch up with my brother who I actually see very little of throughout the week.

The rest of day was spent baking and decorating cookies for my co-workers. I wanted to give everyone something this year and it seemed like baking cookies was the way to do that. With money and work hours dwindling it seemed an inexpensive but nice alternative to trying to find something for everyone. And I enjoyed the process very much. I listened to all five discs of Sufjan Stevens' Christmas recordings.

These recordings are nothing short of wonderful. Even where it may seem to fall short, it's only in comparison to the rest of the music on this collection. The songs are performed so simply and beautifully that it doesn't take much to invoke sincere reflection, thanksgiving, confession... These recordings transcend what so many other recordings only wish they could approach. The songs are an offering and are sung in awe of a Savior born, crucified, reserrected and living today. They are also about family, the good and the bad.

It's time for these bones to rest and catch up on some much needed sleep before a long day at work come the morrow. To all a good night.


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