Saturday, December 26, 2009

There is nothing I do that is worth redemption. Really, nothing. I'd like to think that I've done good and have earned it but  in all honesty, who can say they've done enough to deserve redemption from a Creator that has sacrificed His life for us so we can live with Him. Forever. In Glory.

That's a pretty wonderful thing especially as undeserved as it is. To be loved that much by Someone we can hardly say we know. When we faulter, lie, cheat, steal, hurt others, hurt ourselves, hurt our Father he comes back for us again and again and again.

A buddy/co-worker was listening to Christmas music with his daughter. He told me how he had opened the cd package with her and the stickers that were in there. They played with the stickers and listened to the music when "Come Thou Fount" came on. It caused him to stop and just watch his daughter while she sang, and played and listened to the music. This is one of his favorite songs. It's one of mine too so I under stand somewhat the response to it.

We are blessed if we choose to admit who we are and accept  the Grace that is there for the taking. Thank You, Father, for never giving up on me no matter how often I slip up. And it's often.


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