Friday, January 15, 2010

I was up early this morning to have blood work done after fasting for 12 hours. In my mind 12 hours seems like such a long time. Compared to days and even weeks that others are forced to fast 12 hours is nothing but a simple annoyance really. To all of that is added the fact that for me it is an option, something that I can choose to follow or not.

There are thousands, millions of people worldwide who have no choice in the matter but to ration if they are that fortunate, or just hope and wonder when the next sip of water or bite of nutrition will arrive. Haiti right now is an obvious example of people waiting, starving, hoping for something...anything to help them arrive at the next minute. The hugeness of this is so far beyond my understanding, never EVER having been without. It's so very simple to never see outside our window to the world that is desperate for any light.

Yet, some find Hope and cling to It. Some find beauty, rest, miracles, life, Love and really know and understand how fragile and important these things are. I can only imagine and do not have the experience to where imagining can even come close to the reality for so many fellow souls, lives, brothers, sisters...humanity. Humility. Never, ever take for granted what we have for it could be stripped away at any moment. "Time to be tried, humbled, and broken...". Words from Charlie Peacock, "Time to hear the Word of Love spoken."

A time of trials will come for each of us. How we respond, how we treat others, what we give of ourselves, what we accept of others and our Creator will make all the difference.

"Time is a gift of love and grace. Without time there'd be no time to change..."

When these times come I pray that I will be humbled, broken, changed and not stand my ground on my own and try to muscle my way through them learning nothing, giving nothing, staying the same.

Make us new people. 


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